We're all dealing with different careers, routines, and demands. But there are still a few habits that super healthy people have in common.

12 Habits of Healthy People That We Should All Adopt

As we all juggle our various pulls in life—career, relationships, and daily responsibilities—it’s obvious that a healthy lifestyle isn’t one-size-fits-all. You don’t have to be a marathon runner, take apple cider vinegar shots before every meal, or sip on matcha tea throughout the day to be considered a healthy person. Here are a few habits that healthy people have in common that we should all adopt. How many do you do?

1) They Move Their Body Every Day

Heading to a yoga, barre, spin, Zumba, or CrossFit class is a great way to start your morning. It gets your blood pumping, endorphins flowing, and energy level soaring. Overall, a good sweat session just makes you feel and look amazing. But the gym isn’t the only place you can go to get your body in motion. Take advantage of the great outdoors by going for a hike, or try out a new water sport like paddle boarding (now that’s a killer ab workout)! If you’re in a pinch for time, you can even turn house chores into a mini fitness session—do some squats as you put your groceries away, try some toe raises as you wash the dishes, and run in place while waiting for your food to cook. Sometimes you have to get creative.

Whatever type of workout you enjoy, the key is consistency.

2) They Schedule Workouts In Advance

Think of workouts as an important business meeting that you can’t skip. Write your class times down in a day planner or make a note in Google calendar a week in advance. Once you put it in writing, you’re more likely to commit.

3) They Make Their Water Bottle an Accessory

We all know that we should drink water throughout the day, but many of us still don’t sip nearly enough of it. Get yourself a pretty water bottle and make that thing your best accessory. You can even get an infuser bottle so that you can transform plain old H20 into refreshing detox water. Check out these 11 fruit, veggie, and herb flavor combos that will make you want to drink all day!

4) They Plan Their Meals Ahead of Time

Don’t wait until 5:45 p.m. to figure out what you’re going to eat for dinner at 6 p.m. Scrambling to come up with a meal can be draining and often leaves you with a not-so-satisfying feast. Each week, sit down and create a breakfast, lunch, and dinner menu. Figure out ways you can stretch ingredients to save on cooking time and grocery money.

5) They Use Their Freezer

If you just use your freezer for vodka and ice cream then you’re really missing out. Freeze everything from leftovers to pre-made meals, desserts, and snacks so you always have a healthy option just an arm’s length away. This also comes in handy when you’re posed with last-minute guests—trust me.

6) They Incorporate Veggies In Every Meal (Or At Least Most)

Colorful veggies are loaded with good-for-you vitamins and minerals that benefit your body in a rainbow of ways. If you don’t think pleasing your taste buds is their strong point, think again. With a little creativity, you can transform an ordinary veggie into something drool-worthy. For breakfast, swap out starchy hash browns for this lighter veggie hash. For lunch, try my Raw Cauliflower Tabouli or these easy-to-make Chicken Lettuce Cups. When it comes to dinner, why not whip up a plate of this Beef Bolognese and Spaghetti Squash or my favorite Salmon and Spinach Burgers?

7) They Crave The Feeling Of Healthy, More Than The Taste Of Junk

Yes, it is possible! Once you start seeing and feeling the results of eating fresher meals and working out, you begin to crave it … even more than the taste of chocolate cake. For real.

8) They Eat and Do Unhealthy Things … Sometimes

Healthy people know that denying themselves of chocolate and fun foods 100% of the time isn’t realistic, and trying to do so will just cause them to fall into a vat of cookie dough after a while. Healthy people indulge responsibly and in moderation. That 10% of the time you indulge, you can still healthify. When you reach for brownies, whip up these better-for-you mini gluten-free brownies. If your poison of choice is ice cream, try my semi-homemade dairy-free chunky monkey.

9) They Take Care of Themselves

Health isn’t just physical—it’s also mental. Taking a break from all the chaos and scheduling in some much-needed you-time for relaxation and pampering isn’t a luxury, but a necessity. Plan a day trip to the spa for a nice massage, or follow my steps to create your own at-home pampering retreat. Remember – you can’t pour from an empty cup!

10) They Have a Positive Outlook On Things

The outcome of a given situation is all about our perception. Truly healthy people always try to look at the glass as half full and show gratitude for the things they have in life, rather than focusing on the things they don’t. If you didn’t land the job you recently applied for, a key relationship in your life just fell apart, or your life was hit with a different type of emotional storm, take a much-needed momentary pause to breathe and reflect. Shut down the negativity by focusing on what new doors will open as a result.

11) They Manage Stress

We’re all dealing with stress … and lots of it. But super healthy people find a way of managing it without pulling all their hair out. Practice mindfulness on a daily basis and do things that will help quite the voice inside your head—like going for a walk, journaling, or sharing a good laugh with friends.

12) They Sleep

Catching enough zzz’s is essential for overall health. It’s a time for your body to rest, repair, and recharge. Guilty of not sleeping a full 7-9 hours? Check out these 6 bedtime rituals that will help you unwind, fall asleep, and stay in dreamland until the morning.

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