Chunky Monkey Ice Cream

I always like to be prepared.

My wonderfully hospitable husband came home one night with nine extra dinner guests on a Friday night (we already had a full house!). No really, nine extra people. After I took a moment to freak out (it was an all out freak out), I got busy whipping up a few more dishes to feed my hungry guests.

My first stop was the freezer where I keep emergency staples like frozen veggies and berries, pre-cooked meals that I make and freeze, nuts and Happy Cow ice cream! Although I love making my own dairy-free ice cream, I have pretty much stopped since my love affair with Happy Cow began. They are a wonderful Hong Kong-based company and the best non-dairy ice cream in the world.


Anyhow, out came the Happy Cow and in a creative flow moment I came up with this new crowd favorite dessert. It’s creamy, crunchy, a teeny bit salty and so ridiculously easy and craveable. I always keep a batch of homemade gluten-free brownies at home so I chop them into the mix. You could use dark chocolate instead, but I like the soft gooey-ness of a brownie here.

Watch this video to see just how easy it is to whip up:

You just have to trust me and make this. Please get creative and experiment with different flavor combinations, they are endless. I made some crispy raw chocolate star shaped cookies to serve alongside, but you can garnish with any other gluten-free cookie or a nice big chunk of dark chocolate. For a total showstopper addition to this delicious dessert, try my Maple Cayenne-Spiced Pecans which give it a kick of salt and spice. Enjoy!

Chunky Monkey Ice Cream Recipe

Chunky Monkey Ice Cream

Prep Time 40 minutes
Total Time 40 minutes


  • 1 tub of Happy Cow ice cream
  • 1/2 cup Maple Cayenne Spiced Pecans
  • 1/2 cup chopped up brownies


  1. Remove ice-cream from the freezer to soften on the counter for 30 minutes (unless you have surprise guests in which case you will need to work with hard ice-cream and a sharp knife!)
  2. When ice-cream is soft enough, peel off the packaging so you’re left with a bare naked tub of ice-cream. Place on cutting board.
  3. Pour nuts and brownies on the board and chop up the ice-cream and toppings.
  4. Use your knife to fold ingredients together once your chop consistency is achieved.
  5. Place back in the freezer to combine or serve immediately.

Recipe Notes

If you don’t live anywhere where you can get Happy Cow, make this with your favorite non-dairy ice-cream.



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