Stress Less - The Flexible Life by Nealy Fisher Episode 3

My Tips on How to Stress Less & Play More

How to Break Free of the “Perfect Life”

Nish and Ashneet’s lives are seemingly perfect. They have two beautiful children (who are so well-behaved, might I add!), thriving careers as actors in LA, and an obvious and glowing love for one another. I’m eager to see where my tips on how to stress less and play more fit into their lives.

Which is why in episode three of my brand new reality series, The Flexible Life, I had to wonder what they even needed my help for! What laid beneath the almost too perfect facade? I was ready to find out.

Meeting Nish And Ashneet

While Nish and Ashneet’s careers both started to boom, so did their stress levels. As actors, it became even easier for them to compare their lives to others, on and off the big screen. When I met with them, they beamed with how incredibly proud and happy they were with their lives. So much so, that they were suddenly overwhelmed with the idea that it could all be gone.

They said, “We just want to keep up-leveling!” But what I heard was a need for outcome control.

For so many of us, perfectionism is the clear culprit of the stress in our lives. And in order for Nish and Ashneet to release themselves from that tension, we needed to peel back the layers, together.

Step 1: Find The Biggest Pain Point

After a dance lesson in the kitchen, along with a quick reminder on the importance of finding their own flexible mid-line in life, we were able to uncover what area in their family seemed to be the biggest sticking point.

In order for Nish and Ashneet to have the ability to seamlessly go from auditions to school pick-up to rehearsals to homework help, there needed to be an easier and quicker way to throw together healthy and full meals and snacks.

Lucky for them, creating a chef-like way of life, both in and out of the kitchen, is one of my specialties!

With food as their main concern, I decided to show them my favorite easy and delicious pre-packed and make-ahead snacks and dips. 

With the ability to prep all your ingredients ahead of time, pre-prepped healthy snacks are one of the easiest ways to feel good on the go. And we all know that homemade dressings and dips are way better than any store-bought ones! By simplifying grab-and-go options, they were ready to conquer their busy days ahead. One tip complete on my tips on how to stress less and play more. Find some fun snack time ideas here.

Step 2: Grab Your Yoga Mat

After the Shokeen’s bellies were full, it was time to dig a little deeper. 

The only way I know how to make someone do this? Go upside down. 

Now, this wasn’t planned (have you seen a woman with heels on a yoga mat?!) but I had a gut feeling that movement like this would be the key to them finding a flexible center. And while I was humbled to speak to them about yoga given their heritage, I knew I could offer a lesson in the physical component of the practice.

For Ashneet, I wanted her to feel powerful and invigorated by her own strengths, not just the ones of her talented family. That’s why I had her do a handstand for self-empowerment and fun. The giant smile on her face after her first handstand was enough to tell me my feeling was spot on.

As for Nish, he needed something a little more calm that would help wash his anxieties away and give him one singular focus. A headstand proved to be the ultimate way for him to quiet his mind and connect to his center. 

When I tell you a transformation occurred…I had tears watching his shift. After simply allowing his brain to settle, it’s like his whole body took one giant exhale. It gave him the ability to free himself of daily stressors and expectations of a perfect life and to simply be.

And truthfully? This right here is the best part of my job: I get to witness transformational ah-ha moments like these and watch layers shed in such a beautiful manner, right before my eyes.

Step 3: Remember to Play More

Just by going upside down, the Shokeens were not only able to quiet their minds and feel empowered, but they also succeeded in connecting again with their inner child. They remembered what it was like to play. 

This ability to let go also initiated more family time and reminded them how they should really be spending their time together. 

Mission accomplished? I think so. I hope this fun episode is a helpful reminder for you that when you allow yourself to release barriers and expectations, beautiful things can happen.

Click here to watch this special episode of The Flexible Life with the Shokeen family and my tips on how to stress less and play more!

Stay Flexible – andddd sometimes upside down, 


How to Stress Less and Play More - The Flexible Life by Nealy Fisher

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