10 Truths About Living Flexibly

If you caught the very last segment from The Flexible Life, you know a little bit of the “why” behind what I do. My life has been a whole lot of trial and error—after all, we’re not equipped with a guidebook or a set of instructions when we come into this world! But in the process of experimenting with what works and doesn’t work for my health and happiness, unearthing my own limiting beliefs, and learning to live flexibly, I became fueled by a desire to help others do the same.

What I’ve learned about living flexibly thus far in my journey

I know intimately how it feels to struggle with making change, to feel like you’re unworthy of love or the life you’re dreaming of, and to feel like you don’t measure up.

So if you’re reading this right now and feeling totally stuck in your life, daunted by the prospect of making changes and adopting new healthy habits, or just generally sensing that you’re not living the life you really hunger for, then know this: you are not alone. I’ve been there too! And because I’ve walked this path before you – and made it to the other side where I’m living with passion, purpose, and FUN—I’m confident that the life of your dreams is truly in reach.

Today I’m sharing a handful of truths I’ve learned in my own journey towards living flexibly that I think might have the capacity to help you, too. Read them slowly, say them out loud to yourself, and let them really marinate in your mind. And maybe choose one of these truths to meditate on this week—write it on a sticky note and post it somewhere you’ll see it often. As you go about your day, consider how you might bring that idea to life in your day-to-day experience. 


10 Truths About Living Flexibly

  1. Surrounding yourself with loving, supportive people is one of the best anecdotes for struggling with self-worth.
  2. In a healthy relationship, the more you give from the heart and without expectation, the more you actually get in return.
  3. …And, relatedly, by helping others from a place of compassion, we often unknowingly help ourselves.
  4. You have God-given talents and tools that you are meant to utilize! Get curious about what those talents are and how you can share them with the world.
  5. There’s a humanity and rawness in being vulnerable. Sharing your feelings and experiences with others can feel daunting, but it’s the cornerstone to living authentically, cultivating honest and nurturing relationships, and connecting with yourself. Feel free to follow me on Instagram to see me share this with you.
  6. Real, positive change occurs in our lives when we can learn from someone who went through the same thing.
  7. …And when you couple that learning with tangible, real-life skills (think: meal planning, organization, or at-home workouts), that’s when the magic happens.
  8. Instead of biting off more than you can chew, start small by tackling just one paint point in your life.
  9. Change is possible for you now – not some vague time in the far-off future.
  10. Flexibility is the key to a life well lived. No matter what life throws at you, you have the power to gently come back to your center, reconnect with your values, and keep living on purpose. My Zig-Zag method will always help you with this.


Be sure to go here and watch the last mini episode from this amazing season! And if you’re craving change in your own life, I’d love to work to move you forward on the path towards fabulous, flexible living. Click here to find out more!

Stay Flexible,



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