
Banana Bread – Everyone’s Favorite Quarantine Recipe

If the Chinese Zodiac had food themes, this was definitely ‘Year of the Banana Bread’. (By the way, 2021 is the year of the Ox). This quarantine activity most loved on Pinterest was evident in our grocery stores; we couldn’t find yeast anywhere! People were kneading their own bread, frosting homemade cakes, leavening their baking skills, imagining themselves living in simpler times – like our great grandparents! This bread is a staple in our house for breakfast on Saturday mornings and when there’s the rare leftover, I serve it as an after-school snack with almond milk. Did you try a banana bread recipe? If not, watch below for my no-fail banana bread recipe.

If we didn’t know before, we learned this year how important it is to be proactive with our health. From fascinating information about our gut health and immune system, to how to manage stress and the importance of great sleep – we’ve all HOPEFULLY, one by one, been swapping out our bad habits for better ones! 

In the spirit of making small changes that eventually lead to BIG changes – I’ve put together a Flexible Baking Swap Guide! These simple ingredient swaps are what I refer to as “Flexible Flips” that I always feature on #FlexibleFriday! 

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