I recently re-connected with Rabbi Jacob Rupp, host of Lift Your Legacy podcast, to chat about all things happening in our quarantine world.

Creating Calm During Coronavirus Quarantine

Like with anything, many of us are finally starting to get the hang of quarantine life (well, sort of).

Certain challenges we faced in the beginning — like adjusting to working from home and helping our kids troubleshoot IT issues for their online Zoom classes — have become second nature. I’ve also started to let go of certain expectations I set for myself, like making three gourmet meals a day for my family. Yeah — we’re eating leftovers again tonight. My mindset is shifting from constant worry to gratitude for the many blessings I do have.

Yet, despite all that, there’s still no denying the underlying feelings of uncertainty and stress for us all during these times. I recently re-connected with Rabbi Jacob Rupp, host of Lift Your Legacy podcast, to chat about all things happening in our coronavirus world. Watch as the conversation got personal and I dished some of the challenges and opportunities that lie ahead.

Watch Lift Your Legacy

Listen To Lift Your Legacy

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