Oh, for the love of pesto. It's a cinch to make and can transform simple food into a rather fancy dish. Check out my minted pesto version and how to use it!

Zoodles with Minted Pesto

Oh, for the love of pesto. It’s a cinch to make and can transform simple food into a rather fancy dish. While I’ve already shared a couple of pesto recipes here on the blog (a basil version and a cilantro version), this minted pesto is definitely a must-try. It adds a refreshing and clean taste to an already drooly sauce.

In this recipe, I pair it with raw zucchini noodles (AKA zoodles). But, if you prefer yours cooked then heat up a little olive oil in a frypan, add your zoodles, and cook for several minutes until they’re soft.

Another tip? If you’re making this for kids, tell them it’s “green pasta” vs zucchini noodles!

Zoodles with Minted Pesto Recipe


Zoodles With Minted Pesto



  • 1 cup parsley
  • 1 cup mint leaves
  • ¾ cup olive oil
  • ½ cup pecans
  • 3 garlic cloves
  • tablespoons fresh lime juice
  • Freshly ground pepper, to taste


  • 5 zucchinis


  1. Make the pesto: In a blender, combine all ingredients and puree until smooth. Taste and adjust quantities to fit your preferences. Set aside.

  2. Wash and cut tops off of each zucchini.

  3. Using spiralizer, cut zucchini into noodles.

  4. Transfer to a mixing bowl and top with pesto. With your hands, massage pesto into zucchini noodles until evenly coated.

  5. Serve.

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