How to Turn Disappointment into Opportunity

Hey you guys. 

This post is going to get pretty raw and personal. I’ve decided to share my thoughts on this subject, despite not fully knowing the answers. One of the things I’ve always loved about my job is the responsibility to help other people, and, in the process, help myself. Every day, I show up despite whatever personal issues are troubling me and I dig deeper than them to find a way to seek out an optimistic point of view. In a way, my job is the best therapy. 

Last night, my right-hand woman, friend, confidant, and fellow ‘flexible cheffer’ resigned to pursue her own dreams. It was a blow, to say the least. She manages the day-to-day of absolutely everything — from content creation and social media to video editing and more. She knows me, sometimes, even better than I know myself and has become a good friend and partner.

You know that feeling when your world seemingly comes crashing down and you’re at a complete loss on how to move forward? Continuing without her feels daunting, lonely. When COVID-19 hit, I suspect many of you had similar big moments, where you asked yourself: “What’s next”? Her resignation comes at a particularly raw time where so many of my previous dreams, goals, and plans have been forced to pivot. As have yours, presumably.  It’s not an easy time. 

After two long and sleepless nights going into the darkest of my emotions (I’ll spare you the details), I woke up. I slept in the next day, but I woke up. My inner fire woke up. Stop with the damaging narrative. You’re better than this. And 36 hours after her resignation, I realized that her departure might be a great opportunity. Instead of this disappointment breaking me, it might be here to build me. I keep telling myself: Get flexible, Nealy. Pivot. Get resourceful. Find a way. Maybe even pave a new path. After all, this is at the core of what I teach and what the flexible chef brand is all about. Might the future be even more hopeful than the present? I say yes!

The world is shaking. Our livelihoods are in question. Our goals are pivoting. Instead of viewing this as the “worst timing ever”, I think it might be the best timing ever. Time for me to grow up and own things. Maybe even change direction. Either way, I’m called on to apply flexibility, despite the hardship and the pain and the work involved.

I share this with you because I suspect you might be going through similar questioning about your business and your life. I urge you to stop if you notice yourself sinking. Remember why you started. Remember your passions. Don’t allow a bump in the road to push you down. 

Turn Your Disappointment into Opportunity

If you’re passionate, strategic, talented, and flexible – and have writing, video, and marketing skills – then I’m looking for a new right-hand woman to help me steer the ship and grow The Flexible Chef to new heights. Email me

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