How to Reverse Your Age Without Botox

I love this piece by Tom Cronin because, let’s face it, we’re all aging every moment. There are days when I inspect my wrinkles and think — is there a way to reverse this process? Well, there is and it doesn’t require needles or money. Read on to find out how you can look and feel younger with just a few minutes a day and a willingness to slow down enough to sit in stillness.

Let’s face it, we are all keen on slowing down the aging process. It’s in our nature to preserve life. The problem is, when it comes down to implementing this process, many people think of injecting something under their skin or making a trip to Thailand to see a cheap plastic surgeon. But what if there was a way to do this that didn’t require jabbing your face?

Fortunately, there’s some good news on that front.

You actually have an anti-aging enzyme in your body which is part of your self-preservation design and is highly effective at keeping you feeling and looking young, vibrant, and healthy.

It’s all About Telomeres – Say What?

Let me introduce to you telomeres. These enzymes are little rippers, and if you can keep a decent supply of them in your system, you’ll not only save yourself a fortune at the beauty salon, but you’ll also possibly increase your lifespan. Studies have shown that meditation actually increases your telomeres count. Stay with me here, because in a minute I will share with you how this was actually proven in my life when I had a biological age test done. But first, back to telomeres and how meditation helps increase your supply of them.

The primary cause of wear and tear in our bodies is stress. The impact of this fast-paced, hectic life of ours is it leads to many distortions within our body from high blood pressure, cholesterol, irregular sleep patterns, blood sugar levels, anxiety, and depression. But one thing rarely talked about is how it decreases our telomeres count.

Where Meditation Comes In

It’s in the deep levels of rest achieved in meditation that we begin to restore balance and dissolve stress. Part of this restoration of balance is your body increasing its telomeres count. Just to clarify: it’s not that meditation increases your telomeres count, it’s that it reduces stress in your body because of the deep rest achieved when your mind and body are still. Not only are studies proving that meditation will increase the anti-ageing enzyme telomeres, but my own experience validates it.

My Story

Allow me to share with you an example of how this was the case in my life. At the age of 29, I’d spent a good 10 years living a very wild and crazy life with very little sleep and lots of stress. During my employment as a broker, I was offered free life insurance as part of my package, which qualified me to have a biological age test done. These tests determine how old your body really is, rather than your chronological age.  My results at the age of 29 indicated that I was biologically 37 years old! At 29, I was 25% older biologically than I should be! Yikes. At the age of 42, after meditating twice a day for 13 years, I had another test done. This time, things had improved remarkably. At the chronological age of 42, I was now 34 years old biologically. Now, that brought a smile to my face.

If you want to have a shiny glow, feel vibrant, jump out of bed each day, and look younger as you get older, there’s a simple strategy — add meditation to your daily schedule.

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