Overindulged? Here is my advice to help you get back on track ASAP, so your one night of yummy indulgences doesn't turn into two, or three, or more!

Overindulged Last Night? Here’s What To Do The Next Day!

We’ve all had those nights. Ones where we’ve eaten way more than we should have, had an extra drink (or two), and enjoyed ourselves a little more than we planned. That’s okay — you deserved it. But, what you do the next morning to bounce back is essential. Here is my advice to help you get back on track ASAP, so your one night of yummy indulgences doesn’t turn into two, or three, or more!

Get Enough Rest

Studies show people who don’t get enough, quality sleep are more likely to cave and reach for not-so-healthy foods. While I make it a mission to leave any party at a reasonable hour so I can catch some zzz’s, if you’re eating and drinking until the wee hours of the morning then let your body rest and snooze a little later than usual. Now, that doesn’t mean you should hibernate all day. Just sleep an extra hour or two to compensate.

Let Go Of The Guilt

Whether you had five slices of pizza or two big pieces of chocolate cake, what’s done is done. So, there’s no sense in beating yourself up over it. Instead of letting one night of indulgence get you down, look ahead to healthier days!

Push Breakfast A Little Later Than Usual & Opt For A Green Juice Instead

After a night of indulgence, I like to push breakfast a bit later than usual or skip the first meal altogether. Instead, I start my day off with a recharging green juice or coconut water. I’m a huge fan of getting flexible and playing around with the ingredients you already have in your fridge. But, if you’re looking for a nutrient-rich recipe that will fire you up for the day ahead then check out my Green Power Juice recipe HERE!

Nealy's Green Juice

Get Moving

Once you’ve sipped your green juice and feel that much-needed boost of energy, it’s time to get moving. One of the best things you can do for yourself the morning after consuming countless calories is exercise. I’m not saying you should move to punish your body. Rather, move because you love it! Not only will it help you burn off some of those extra calories, but exercise promotes healthy digestion, gets your blood pumping, endorphins flowing, and energy level soaring. It also helps with a hangover believe it or not! If you wanna opt for more gently movement, here is my morning yoga routine filled with hip and chest openers to wake up your body.



Eat a Healthy Breakfast

Now it’s time for a light and nutrient-rich meal. Avoid bread, muffins, pancakes, waffles, and any other carb-dense meal. Instead, fill your plate with energy-boosting protein, vitamin-packed vegetables, and healthy fats. My Sunrise Eggs with Veggie Hash is the perfect post-indulgence meal. Plus, it’s easy to make! Just watch:

Stick To Your Normal Healthy Eating Routine The Rest Of The Day

No — you don’t have to deprive yourself of fresh foods in an effort to “offset” yesterday’s splurge. The goal is to get back to sustainable healthy eating. Under-nourishing and depriving your body won’t do you any good in the long run. It will just leave you feeling hungry! Make yourself a robust salad for lunch and enjoy a lean protein with a side of jazzed up veggies for dinner. Need meal inspo? Check out my cookbook, FOOD YOU WANT For The Life You Crave. It’s filled with 100+ recipes that you can easily transform into 1,000 different dishes!

Sip All Day

Beat the bloat, lethargy, and dehydration with good ol’ H20! We all know we’re supposed to drink 8 glasses of water a day, but sometimes squeezing in enough sips is easier said than done. So, get yourself a pretty water bottle and make that thing your best accessory. You can even get an infuser bottle so that you can transform your plain beverage into refreshing and flavorful detox water. Check out these 11 fruit, veggie, and herb combos that will make you want to drink all day!

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