Links we love: July Edition

Daunted by so much information on the web that you don’t know where to begin?

There are so many good website reads these days, it can be difficult to keep up. We are keeping tabs for you in our monthly column: Links We Love. Each month we collect a small handful of websites to add to your reading list, plus our favorite read of the month.



We’re in love with this collection of information and advice for the fathers in our lives. Beautifully composed and full of insightful articles tailored for your man. Check it out.

Our favorite read this month: Tips on Meditation for New Parents

Daily Guru


If you want inspiration as well as the tools to change your life and your career, scoot on over to Daily Guru which pulls together a powerful collection of resources for your life’s toolbox.

Our favorite read this month: Three Steps to Find Your Voice



A collection of tidbits from the literary journey of New York Times journalist Maria Popova, a self-proclaimed “reader, writer, interestingness hunter-gatherer, and curious mind at large.” Her Seven Lessons from Seven Years in her role in this passionate pursuit sums up the type of treasures you’ll find as part of her journey.

Our favorite read this month: Pathways to Bliss: Joseph Campbell on Why Perfectionism Kills Love and How to Save Your Relationship

Elana’s Pantry


A celiac and pioneer of grain-free cooking, Elana Amsterdam has pulled together an incredible resource for anyone on a special diet in this website. Mouth-watering recipes catering for every troubled tastebud sit alongside insightful reads about health and nutrition.

Our favorite read this month: Start the Day with Hot Water & Lemon (it’s what we’ve been banging on about for a while now!)

The Skimm


A daily, witty email news update for the modern woman collated by two friends and ex NBC news producers. “Skimm” each day and be kept up to date with global news — if nothing else, you’ll sound intelligent in work meetings or at boring work dinners when conversation dries up!

Our favorite read this month: We love every email that comes in but here’s a little something if you’re a little out of touch with what’s happening in Greece.

Got your own favorite site? Share links you love below!


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