While the holiday season is filled with cheer, it can also be stressful. See my list of blog posts that will help you make it through the season with ease.

Holiday Survival Guide: Top 5 Reads

Thanksgiving, Chanukkah, Christmas, New Year’s Eve, New Year’s Day — it seems like the end of November up until January 1st is one big holiday celebration. Sure, shopping for gifts, traveling to see family, and hosting big dinner parties is exciting. But it can also be stressful at times. I’ve gathered a few of my favorite blog posts to help you get through the holiday season with ease.

9 Ways to Plan a Gorgeous and Uncomplicated Party

Hosting can be hard work. Between the planning, shopping, and chopping — the one person who often gets squeezed is you. Trust me, I’ve been there. But I’m here to tell you, there’s another way. In this article, I dish up my secrets for hosting an impressive, stress-free party.

Tips To Host a Party

It’s Only A Bite: Avoid The Pitfalls of Pre-Meal Snacking

The first day of Chanukkah this year, my family and I welcomed 40 people into our home. With such a huge crowd, you bet the days leading up to our big event were filled with a lot of prep. But here’s the thing — spending time in the kitchen and cooking up a storm poses the hidden hazard of “just a bite.” That’s right. You think it’s just a little nibble or spoon lick. But, in the end, those mouthfuls add up. Here’s my advice to avoid the pitfalls of pre-meal snacking.

9 Travel-Well Essentials

Are you heading out of town to celebrate the holiday season with family? Being away from home doesn’t have to mean a break from your self-care regime. This list of great travel-well essentials will help you stay on track.

Travel Snacks You Can Get Past Airport Security

Airports are filled with not-so-good-for-you food options, and that pack of processed cookies that attendants pass out mid-flight does nothing for tummy grumbles. Before you board and fly off to your holiday destination, check out my list of nourishing foods that will help you beat bloat and fatigue, all while satisfying your crunch cravings.

The Do-It-Anywhere Holiday Workout

Holidays inevitably become an “extended cheat day.” We eat a lot and our planned workouts usually get dumped in favor of a sleep in. Good news! My good friend and fitness guru Dave Catudal is bringing the gym to you with his holiday workout you can do anywhere. Try this workout in a hotel room, your living room, or a beautiful outdoor spot.

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