Why I love Amy Ippoliti of YogaGlo and 90 Monkeys

Bridging the gap between ancient yoga wisdom and our modern lives, Amy Ippoliti is a source of inspiration for yogis and aspiring yogis alike. 

Amy was one of my first yoga teachers.

Amy and I go way back to my early yoga days during teacher training. She was widely known as a “teacher’s teacher.” She was (and still is) an incredible source of wisdom and offered invaluable guidance. She was my own secret treasure. 

But since then Amy has been discovered by the rest of the world and is considered a leading yoga mentor. She runs 90 Monkeys in Boulder Colorado, a yoga education company that trains the best yoga teachers across the globe, is an avid juicer, a passionate marine conservationist and a complete health nut. 

To this day, I am still Amy’s student. Her teachings are magic and her personality is infectious. She still teaches me much about yoga, business, health and life. Amy excites me to get on my yoga mat more often and I hope she gets you back onto yours.


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