
Alone But Not Lonely: Surviving and Thriving the Holidays

Even by yourself, surviving and thriving through the end of the year can still be an option. With many stay-at-home orders and lockdowns in place for some areas of the world, this time of year may look different. For some, isolation has been daunting and depressing while, for others, the constant negative news has caused even the best of us to go a little stir-crazy. No matter the case, the idea of ringing in the New Year with so few people can make anyone feel lonely…

This time of year isn’t just about getting by, it’s about making the most of the season by surviving AND thriving. Keep your chin up, shift your perspective, I’m right here with you. We’ll get through this together. If you’re struggling lately, try practicing some tips below:

Swap Expectation for Gratitude

I don’t know about you, but the hardest part about celebrating this year’s holiday differently is the expectations I have of this season. Normally my home is filled with loved ones from all over and lots of festive events.  Instead of being upset and feel like I am missing out, I appreciate the loving family and foundation we’ve created in our home. Once I swap expectation for gratitude I am able to appreciate and be in the moment. Happiness comes from simple things.

Enjoy the Quiet

One day, you may miss the quiet that this year has to offer. Get cozy. Rest up! Turn inward. Enjoy swapping the frenzy of entertaining for the contentment of being. How often in our busy stressful lives do we get to slow down and reflect? When the world goes back to normal and we are fast-paced and stressed again, we may even miss these moments. You’re living life as real as it gets right now; soak up as much as you can and be present.

Connect with Loved Ones

The world has become an ever-increasing smaller place. Make it a priority to reach out to all the people you love around the world. Check-in on how they are surviving and thriving through it all. We can all at least feel grateful for technology and the internet! Imagine being stuck at home with no wifi or video chat to call loved ones? Make the most of it. In pajamas!

Get Creative About Being Together, Safely.

Throw an (outdoor, if possible) dinner. When I entertain (covid-style) at home, I often plate everyone’s meal so we don’t worry about a contaminated buffet. Use paper plates for safety and easy cleanup later! If it’s just you and your immediate family-get creative! Create an at-home restaurant or bar and have everyone chip in. It’s your space but the sky is the limit!

Indulge Differently

Dive into some great books, attempt some at-home workouts (I’ve created a few for you), and use this chance to better yourself. Pour yourself into a hobby you’ve always wanted to try. Go ahead and do those home renovations you’ve had on your to-do list. Use the time to learn how to master a few more cooking recipes from my book. Just get up and get moving!

Shift From a Mindset of Scarcity to a Mindset of Abundance

In Seth Godin’s new book, The Practice (grab it here along with other goodies!), which I’m binge listening to on audible, he urges readers to shift into a mindset of abundance. While it’s true that so much is lacking this year, we have an unlimited amount to celebrate. Keep it simple. Enjoy what this reflective holiday has to offer. 

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