Who else loves a side of hash browns with their morning eggs? This popular side is super simple to healthify - all you need is vegetables! Get the recipe.

These Veggie Hash Browns Will Make You Forget About Potatoes

Who else loves a side of hash browns with their morning eggs? There’s something about the shredded, crispy texture that leaves us satisfied on so many levels. If you crave hash browns but don’t love filling your tummy with heavy, starchy potatoes first thing in the morning then you’re in luck. This popular side is super simple to healthify—you just need vegetables!

Watch my latest video as I show you step-by-step how to make your own. This is going to be quick and easy. Plus, the best part? You can use these veggie hash browns as the base for dozens of dishes. Use them to make a pizza quiche, they’re great in my taco salad, add them to some ground beef and form into patties to make a flavorful burger, or mix them into a plate of gluten-free pasta. So make a double-batch and get creative. The possibilities are endless!

Veggie Hash Browns Recipe

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