Geren Lockhart Swimming

Travel Fashionista: Geren Lockhart

To celebrate the festive season and all the travel that goes with it in December, we are bringing you a special treat: Travel Fashionista with none other than Ms Jetsetter herself, Geren Lockhart of 

Throughout her life, Geren Lockhart has worn many hats — all of them quirky, cool and utterly fabulous. Raised by artist parents, Geren embraced a childhood split between California and New York’s infamous Soho district. She started her career as an advertising production executive and stylist before embracing her entrepreneurial spirit and launching her own lounge-wear-meets-streetwear label Geren Ford.  

Two years ago Geren made the bold move of shelving her brand to allow her to pursue wider passions. Today, she spans the globe as a fashion, branding and marketing entrepreneur and consultant — and that means lots and lots of travel. 

But Geren doesn’t just jet around the world in style, she also manages to do it consciously and while maintaining a healthy routine. It’s a miracle when you consider she spends the majority of her days on-the-go carrying a bag of tricks. And yet she always manages to look flawless, relaxed and perfectly on style — and with coconut chips in hand.

It’s no wonder that we are thrilled to tap into her marvellous mind and get some insights into her effortlessly chic healthy travel.

Geren Lockhart

MM: What are the principles you live by for travel wear?

GL: Chic, comfortable and versatile. I try to dress thoughtfully. Fashion-forward details on classic cuts work really well for me, and accessories are key. Great shoes, a good watch and bag say a lot about your intentions for the day.  You’re heading out into a big mix of people and you never know what the travels may bring, so being surrounded by nice, useful tools makes the journey more pleasant. I thoroughly enjoy the process of travel and the journey is as important as where you’re ending up in my mind. 

Fashion-forward details on classic cuts work really well for me, and accessories are key. Great shoes, a good watch and bag say a lot about your intentions for the day.

MM: How do you manage to keep fit on-the-go? 

GL: I try to walk a lot, take the stairs and go explore the place where I’m at. It often means miles and miles of walking. I also try to make sure that I get in a few minutes of strength training each day and make time to do something more strenuous every other day. The most challenging part of constantly travelling is feeling like you are going to simply drop from all the travelling, and motivating yourself to push through and do more knowing that you’ll feel better for it the next day. 

MM: When you’re on the road, do you have a particular workout you like to do? 

GL: When I’m on the road I am most likely running around snapping photos all days and carrying stuff, so I like to really maximize the time I spend working out actually focused on working out. If I’m somewhere like Bali I’ll dive into a new yoga practice or if I’m in Portugal at the beach I’ll take a hike. I keep my routine basic as I like to be flexible. My location often determines my activity. 

MM: Do you have any favorite snacks you stash in your bag?

GL: I believe it’s crucial to pack some treats when you’re heading off on a long journey. Here are my tips:

  • I roast my own tomato chips as a good healthy crispy snack.
  • I love Dang Coconut Chips to stash away in my carry-on 
  • I squeeze a few lemons and put the juice in a chef’s squirt bottle. That way no matter the water or location I can make myself drink more and I’ve got a stash for early morning warm water with lemon, even if it’s on a plane. 
  • Another squeeze bottle of Sriracha — livens up any meal. 
  • High quality chocolate Moonstruck Raspberry Fennel Chocolate Bars are my favorite. 
  • Miso soup packets. A vegan friend passed on this tip because there are often no options for her. I’m not vegan, but it’s pretty easy to get a cup of warm water when you’re travelling and it’s a healthly snack that can keep you from straying when hungry.

Geren's travel tips

MM: What are your favorite airports around the world with great food and healthy choices?

GL: It’s not the airports, it’s the specific spots. Real Food Daily at LAX is amazing as a pit-stop before any flight. So yummy and so healthy. All of the American Express Centurion clubs — Dallas, Miami, Las Vegas, Seattle, New York — they’ve got really high quality food and there’s always a healthy option. I”m partial to the Kale salad at the Dallas club. The First Class and Business Cathay Pacific lounges in Hong Kong always stock great food, healthy options.

MM: What’s your top tip for staying healthy on-the-go?

GL: At this point in my life and career, trips are more like ‘being somewhere else’ rather than traveling, so I try to ensure I keep my morning routine of warm lemon water, stretches, a short yoga moment, meditation, a probiotic, a couple of supplements and a couple of strength exercises before breakfast. It sets the tone for the day. 

I try to ensure I keep my morning routine of warm lemon water, stretches, a short yoga moment, meditation, a probiotic, a couple of supplements and a couple of strength exercises before breakfast. It sets the tone for the day.

MM: What daily healthy practice can’t you live without, no matter where you are?

GL: Meditation. I use the Headspace app and it saves me everywhere. 

Geren’s top 5 travel fashion picks

Versatile Chic Sandals from Ancient Greek Sandals, US$250

Greek Sandals

  Layerable Day Dress from Need Supply Co, US $59 

Layable Day dress

    Easy to access and comfortable sneakers from Kenzo, US$206 –

kenzo sneaker


Comfy plane pants from Stella McCartney, US$86 

stella pants

Colorful and happy socks for the plane, HappySocks  US$12 

happy socks


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