How do you push through when life pulls you in a million different directions? Check out these six tips for staying motivated and achieving life success.

6 Tips For Staying Motivated & Achieving Success

Let’s get real—there are times when even the most motivated person struggles to stay motivated. Because constant motivation requires hard work! Some days you just want to kick back and relax. So how do you push through when life pulls you in a million different directions? Here are some tips!

1. Whenever You Feel Like Quitting, Think About Why You Started

Remember the moment that got you excited about achieving something big? There are days when I don’t feel like working out or cooking a homemade meal. But in the moments where I just feel like taking a nap instead of getting my stuff done, I get reinvigorated by remembering my big picture goals and they keep me on track.

2. Set Smaller, Achievable Milestones

Progress—no matter how small—is still progress. And research shows there’s nothing more motivating than seeing progress! There’s even an entire book written about it—The Progress Principle: Using Small Wins to Ignite Joy, Engagement, and Creativity at Work. Author Steven Kramer analyzed nearly 12,000 diary entries from more than 230 employees in 7 different companies. Drawing on their experiences, he explains how managers can foster progress to enhance everyday work life. No matter what you’re trying to achieve, creating smaller milestones can help you track successes and will constantly remind you that you’re moving in the right direction.

3. Celebrate Every Success … No Matter How Small

Motivation is all in your head. If something makes you feel great then you’re going to want to keep doing it. By throwing a mini celebration for yourself each time you reach a new milestone—whether that’s grabbing drinks with co-workers, treating yourself to a massage, or anything that makes you feel special—you’ll begin to associate celebration with achievement.

4. Find The Time

We have to build the lives we want with the time we have. If your goal is to clean up your diet then carving out some time in your week to grocery shop and prep a healthy work lunch is imperative. I know what you’re thinking: I don’t have the time! But as time management expert Laura Vanderkam points out in this eye-opening TedTalk, “‘I don’t have time’ often means it’s not a priority.” Watch as she offers a few practical strategies to help you find more time for what really matters to you:

5. Focus On One Thing At A Time

Are you trying to do too much at once? While we’re often taught that multi-tasking is a good practice that can save us time and improve our productivity, it’s actually not. When your attention is split, you’ll have a harder time focusing, your stress levels rise, and you’ll eventually become so frazzled that you’ll lose motivation. Instead, focus on single-tasking.

6. Tag Team It

In the inspirational book The Power of Habit, author Charles Duhigg writes: “When people join groups where change seems possible, the potential for that change to occur becomes more real”. So surround yourself with like-minded people who are on your same journey. Being around such inspirational people will help keep you motivated and pushing forward!

Looking for more motivation to eat well, move more, and live an all-around more craveable lifestyle? Follow me on Instagram! I post daily inspirations. Plus, you’ll get my latest tips and tricks.

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