Flexible At-Home Workouts: 3 Keys To Staying Motivated

I recently teamed up with Physique57 to chat about their flexible On Demand workout classes. I love their virtual routines because you can do anywhere, anytime. But when it comes to at-home sweat sessions, staying motivated can be a real challenge. In this article that I wrote for the Physique57 blog, I share my top three tips for remaining committed. 

Feeling inspired? Try Physique’s On Demand free for one month – just use the code TFC at signup!

I travel – a lot. My family and I bounce between Asia, Israel, and all across the United States. This means our bags are always packed and we’re constantly on the move. Whether you’re a globetrotter, or your demanding schedule is pulling you in a million different directions right in your hometown, it can be difficult to get your butt to the gym for a workout class. I get it. That’s where at-home classes are a lifesaver.

Physique57’s On Demand portal allows me to workout from anywhere and it’s no secret that I’m, well, obsessed with their workouts. Whether I have a full hour or just 10 minutes of free time to work up a sweat, Physique offers a dynamic digital library with various guided workout routines and music playlists. Yeah sure, nothing beats an in-person class, but we all live lives that require flexibility.

While I love having virtual classes just a click away, if you’re new to at-home workouts, there are a few things you need to know to help make your home workouts a success. The following tips help me to stay motivated when life gets in the way, and will hopefully do the same for you—inspiring you to keep coming back for more.

Get Organized

When you workout at a gym or fitness center, all of the equipment is laid out so it’s easy to find whatever you’re looking for. You may not even realize it, but having easy access to workout gear is essential in following through with a plan. Just think about it—if a set of dumbbells is right in front of your face at the gym, you’re more likely to reach for them. So, do the same at home. Keep your mat and other props in sight as a constant reminder. Also, dedicate a space in your house (or hotel room if you’re on the go) as your workout area. You don’t need a ton of space for the Physique workouts—just enough to lay your mat out flat and place your computer in clear sight.

If a particular workout calls for props that you don’t have, don’t worry. No weights? No problem! Just use canned goods or a bottle of wine instead (just don’t pop the cork until after your sweat session is over)!

Find The Time

I’m a big fan of calendaring my workouts. Whether it’s a class that you have to drive to, or one you can do in your pajamas in front of your computer screen (guilty!), schedule your workouts like you would an important business meeting. Putting your routine in writing will also help you get real about how much time you have. Some days you may only have 15 minutes in between meetings to squeeze in some much-needed you-time. Think 15 minutes isn’t enough time to get your blood pumping and muscles shaking? Think again. Physique offers a range of 10, 15, 30, and 57-minute videos that are all extremely effective.

Stay Consistent

Some people say it takes 21 days to create a habit, others believe it takes up to 60. The point is, stick with it and stay consistent. It may be hard at first, but trust me, you get addicted to the feeling of a tight booty. Like, for real! When you see results, you want more. And if you want those results to last then you have to log on and workout a few times a week. Grab a friend if you need an extra kick. Do whatever you need to in order to stay disciplined even when you don’t feel like it. Nike got it right—just do it.

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