6 Home Workout Moves That Target Your Whole Body

Now that we’re a couple of weeks into quarantine from the Coronavirus COVID-19 outbreak, here’s a question: Have you already blown through all of your snacks?

Being at home with easy access to the kitchen 24/7 makes it tempting to constantly reach for and nibble on something tasty. But, with a bump in eating and all the local gyms closed, the once called “College Freshman 15” is now turning into the “Quarantine 15”!

To help you stay in shape while stuck at home, I’ve got a great home workout routine for you. I originally filmed this in Los Angeles with my friend and professional ballerina Saskia Gregson-Williams (founder of Naturally Sassy) as a hotel room workout for your upcoming travels. But, with our rapidly changing lifestyles, we’ve decided to release it early.

Try this home workout routine every morning along with some basic cardio moves (like jumping jacks, jump rope, burpees, or even running up and down the straits)!

Home Workout: Part 1


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