You don't have to carve lots of time to achieve big, bold, and sexy eyes. Before you step out for a night of fun, check out this quick eye makeup tutorial. 

Amazing Eye Makeup Tutorial For The Busy Woman

Confession: when it comes to my everyday life, I’m not a heavy makeup kind of girl. I usually wiggle on a little mascara, smush some gloss on my lips, and I’m out the door. I just don’t have the time to stand in front of the mirror for 30+ minutes doing my makeup. Are you with me?

Despite the time crunch, some days do call for a bit of glamour. The good news? You don’t have to carve out the entire day to achieve big, bold, and sexy eyes. Before you strap on your heels and step out for a night of fun, check out this quick eye makeup tutorial.  My favorite Beverly Hills makeup artist, Judith Koppelmann, is spilling her secrets for creating eyes that pop in under five minutes!

Watch The Eye Makeup Tutorial

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