Each year, we're hit with the popular question: "What are your resolutions?" Find out why I think we should ditch them and what we should do instead!

Why You Should Ditch Traditional New Year’s Resolutions … And Do THIS Instead!

Each year, as we get ready to ring in the new year, we’re hit with the popular question: “What are your resolutions?” 

The thing is: The majority of people I speak to feel like they have to come up with something. So, they half cook up an idea. Usually, it’s something like: eat healthier, work out more, lose weight, achieve a certain status at work, etc. But, the reality is, people typically drop their commitments after just a month or two (or sometimes it only takes a week!).

Why? Well, because they don’t create a solid plan. AND – they don’t fully believe in the bigger WHY this change will benefit their life. Or sometimes the resolution is just so big it’s not realistic to attain.

“A goal without a plan is just a wish!” 

The First Step: Find Your Why

Instead of coming up with traditional New Year’s resolutions this year, I’m proposing we all take some time to figure out what we really want … and get clear about why we want it. In my cookbook, FOOD YOU WANT For The Life You Crave, my first chapter outlines a roadmap to become a “Flexible Chef.” #1: Go Deep and Find Your Why. Here’s an excerpt from my book:

“What motivates you to get out of bed in the morning? Most of us deal with a slew of challenges each day. Without clarity about our beliefs and values, managing these demands becomes a chore. But if we identify our deepest inspiration, we can begin to live with purpose. Your “why” will give you answers and act as a pillar when the road gets bumpy. Plus, knowing what you want makes getting what you want possible.” 

The Next Step: Figure Out “How”

Once you’ve clearly established your “why,” it’s time to start thinking about the “how.” This is the real nitty-gritty. Spend some time mapping out a detailed plan. Create short term and long term objectives to achieve your ultimate goal.

This game plan will set you up for success. So, go. Go bust out your noisemakers and ring in the New Year in style. Come January 1st, it’s time to kick it into high gear and put your plan in motion. And by the way, don’t put so much pressure on yourself. Jan 1 isn’t a magical date for anything. Every day is a good day to change your life, if you choose to.

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