Lauren Zoeller, the host of The Balanced Boss Podcast, recently asked me to come on her show and dish up some of my go-to healthy eating tips. Listen now!

Listen: Talking Healthy Eats on The Balanced Boss Podcast

Does spending time in the kitchen to whip up meals for your family excite or overwhelm you? For many of us, it’s a little bit of both. As we juggle the many responsibilities life throws our way, there are things we can all do to make our day-to-day kitchen time less complicated and more calming.

Lauren Zoeller, the host of The Balanced Boss Podcast, recently asked me to come on her show and dish up some of my go-to tips. Listen in as we chat about my regular meals, how to create your own weekly menu, and ways you can prep to make nightly cooking less time-consuming. Plus, we go beyond the kitchen as I share why my yoga practice has changed my outlook on life.

Listen: Balanced Boss Podcast

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