Who isn't looking for a few simple cooking shortcuts that can help save time, money, and energy? Check out Nealy Fischer's six kitchen secrets!

6 Best-Kept Kitchen Secrets To Save You Time, Money & Energy

Time. The hottest commodity around and the one thing we never have enough of!

So who isn’t looking for a few simple shortcuts in the kitchen that can help save time, money, and energy? I’m sharing a few of my favorite kitchen secrets that will spark your creativity and give you more time to enjoy your life!

1. Use Gluten-Free Box Mixes When Baking

Baking from scratch is great but sometimes I look at the clock and think to myself, “I just don’t have the time!” If you’re in a rush but love the idea of a delicious gluten-free pastry, muffin, or pancake then just grab a box mix and get baking. There are dozens of healthy boxed mix brands out there—SimpleMills is my absolute favorite. Their mixes taste amazing and can easily be spiced up with other ingredients—like pumpkin purée, shredded veggies, fruits, nuts, and seeds—to taste homemade.

2. Make Unusual Things In A Dehydrator

The dehydrator is one of my favorite kitchen tools of all time. It makes whipping up snacks like homemade granola, crackers, nuts, and dried fruits a real breeze—plus, it intensifies the flavor. If you have a dehydrator, or you’re inspired to get one after reading this, try my gluten-free craveable crackers, spicy roasted pistachios, or maple cayenne spiced pecans!

3. Get The Most Flavor Out Of Your Ginger

Grab a microplane and simply grate your ginger rind, squeeze it with your hands, and then add the juice to teas, soups, and dressing. This infuses the flavor without adding the course rind. Watch this trick in action in this video:

4. Use the Side of a Large Chef’s Knife To Mince Garlic

Have a recipe that calls for minced garlic? Good news—mincing doesn’t have to be complicated and you don’t have to dirty up a garlic press. Simply smash the garlic by using the side of a large chef’s knife—the bigger your knife’s surface area, the better. Then finish by finely chopping! Watch this tip in action in this video:

5. Make Salad Dressings in a High-Speed Blender

Sure, store-bought dressings may seem like the easier choice—especially when you’re pressed for time—but homemade dressings take just a minute or two to throw together. Plus, when you make it yourself, you get full control over what winds up on your plate. This especially comes in handy if you follow a gluten-free lifestyle like my family. Did you know many bottled salad dressings contain gluten as thickening agents? When making your own dressings, play around with ingredients, starting with 1 part acid to 3 parts oil. Then adjust to please your taste preferences.

6. Fill Ice Cube Trays With Various Ingredients

Here are some fun ideas. Freeze:

  • Coconut milk to use in smoothies or to cool down your morning coffee.
  • Wine to make a frozen boozie smoothie. Or use it to prevent a glass of wine from being watered down/diluted.
  • Pesto to add instant flavor infusions to soups, stews, quiches, sauces, and more.

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