6 Personal Development Books to Read NOW

It’s normal to have low points in life where it is hard to feel positive all the time. That’s life. But it’s important to pull yourself out of these funks and get to moving again. Personal development books have been a major key to my self-growth and have been a tool I stand by.

If you’ve been following my journey on Instagram, you’ve probably known that I’ve had somewhat of a covid crisis. I know I’m not alone. A poll taken in mid-July had 53% of adults in the US report their mental health had been negatively impacted due to worry and stress over the virus. Imagine how much higher that number is now?!

Like many others mentally-affected, I found myself empty-despite living a full life. Alone- despite a full house. Depleted- despite good sleep and resources to restore and most prominently-stuck and in an apparent midlife crisis. 

There I was wallowing in my darkness when I decided enough was enough and began to pick myself up. I started learning from a life coach and attending therapy. Soon, I began to reawaken the giant within (thanks Tony Robbins). Therapy became a major priority and I was committed to being the best student I could. Week by week, I researched, self-reflected, read and listened to every personal development book out there. I weeded through the cheesy, repetitive and boring. Within time, I finally selected my favorites, the gold nuggets. The books that profoundly moved me. The books that, page by page I said YES to. 

Enjoy these reads and message me with your favorites!

Reinventing Your Life by Jeffery Young

Letting go by David Hawkins

The Practice by Seth Godin

The Gifts of Imperfection by Brené Brown

The Big Leap by Gay Hendricks

The Surrender Experiment by Michael Singer

While we are all still staying in our homes, if you happen to burn through this list and are looking for more personal development books to read, here is an oldie but goodie list of more to check out.

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