5 Summer Drinks that Taste Like Vacation

If your long-distance summer getaways have been canceled due to the pandemic or if you’re just not quite ready to jet set across the world, it doesn’t mean you can’t bring vacation home to you! Make the most of your time by creating new, exciting summer drinks that taste like an exotic holiday minus the jet lag! Plus, all of these drinks have been healthified in a recipe without all the sugar and calories! Pack your bags, I’ve got tickets to 5 destination drinks!

1. Hawaiian Tropical Mai Tai

I hadn’t had one of these EVER until our recent trip to Hawaii. While you might not be able to whisk off to a tropical Island this second, these flavors are guaranteed to transport you to your dream beach destination just with a few sips

2. Mexican Margarita

This drink is a fiesta in a glass! It’s both sour and sweet but also super easy to make! It’s refreshing to have any time all summer long besides, it’s always 5 o’clock somewhere!

3. French 75

This sip comes with a bang! This simple and strong cocktail is mixed with gin, syrup, champagne and lime. The name comes from the fast-firing taste similar to when the weapon strikes. Lucky for you, after just a few sips you’ll likely just be hit by a state of bliss.

4. Caribbean Pineapple Cocktail

We may not be able to hop a plane and head to some gorgeous tropical destination right now, but we can certainly close our eyes, sip on this fruity drink, and pretend! I call this sensational sip a Frozen Pineapple Quarantini!

5. African Ngolo Cocktail

Bless the drinks down in Africa! Before the pandemic, my family and I vacationed in Africa, and during our second night there, we watched the sunset while sipping this refreshing cocktail. It’s reminiscent of a Moscow Mule with Ngolo’s special touch. I swear you can taste what a sunset feels like with each sip!

Regardless, sipping season is coming up, be sure you are equipped for summer drinks with all the right bartending tools as we start to socialize again!

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