summer sangria

Summer Sangria

Let me begin by saying, I did my research. I tried red sangria with brandy, white sangria with liquor and tested versions with various mixtures of wine and fruit and — tough job — and let me tell you, humbly of course, this recipe truly ROCKS.

It’s perfectly “drinkable” (OK, dangerously so) but such a perfect combo of sweet, acidity and alcohol. Plus its gorgeous to look at and you feel kinda sexy just sipping it. Your plan for the day after? Well, you may not want a plan. What about the sugar? Have just a glass and don’t drink this everyday. 

Summer Sangria Recipe

Summer Sangria


Fruit Infusion

  • 3 peaches
  • 3 plums
  • 2 apricots
  • 4 limes
  • 1 cup Limoncello


  • Add fruit infusion
  • 1 bottle white wine
  • 1 bottle Rosé
  • 1 bottle prosecco
  • 1/4-1/2 a bottle sparkling grape juice


  1. The night before you plan to serve this, cut your fruit into chunks and let them soak in the limoncello. Squeeze a few of the limes on the fruit-it will stop them from getting brown and add a balanced tartness to your 'punch"
  2. An hour before serving, pour the wines into your fruit infusion. season, taste or add more of this or that to suit your palette.
  3. I used a sauvignon blanc, try any kind you have leftover!



Nealy Fischer of Mayya Movement

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