Strawberry and Mango Frozen Margarita

One day I found myself with some of my leftover Mango Salsa in the fridge, a bowl of strawberries and a houseful of thirsty friends. Struck with some wild inspiration, I questioned: Why not combine the lot? Don’t laugh, this strawberry and mango frozen margarita is proving to be one of my favorite inventions yet!

The combo of flavors elevated it from an ordinary frozen margarita to a refreshing beverage truly conversation-worthy. Obviously, you can easily cut out the rum and the limoncello to make a slushy smoothie too — play with your own creations and have some fun with substitutions.

In our house we appreciate and savor moments of indulging and enjoying with friends and family. Strike your own balance and splurge in moderation.

Strawberry and Mango Frozen Margarita Recipe

Strawberry and Mango Frozen Margarita


  • 1/3 cup strawberries
  • 1/2 cup frozen mango
  • A few small chunks of jalapeno pepper
  • Generous serving of rum
  • Generous serving of Limoncello
  • Generous bunch of fresh mint
  • 1 cup of ice


  1. Place all ingredients in a high-speed blender.
  2. Add this or that to tweak to your liking and enjoy!
  3. I used some leftover mango salsa in place of the frozen mango and jalapeño pepper. Try this play for an interested flavor infusion!



 Nealy Fischer of Mayya Movement

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