The Flexible Chef


“My passion is to inspire you to live your healthiest most empowered life…”


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Nealy is a dedicated mom, an empowered teacher, an engaging speaker and passionate leader in wellnes. She has been a change maker in the fitness, yoga and wellness industries for the last 18 years leading workshops and programs all over the globe. Nealy’s devotion to supporting women develop a holistic approach to their health (mind, body and spirit) has inspired women all over the world to lead healthy, balanced and fulfilled lives.

Nealy founded the revolutionary women’s program, Preparing to Push, at Pure Yoga IN HONG KONG that has empowered and educated thousands of women how to prepare their bodies for birth and the postpartum experience. After five pregnancies of her own and guiding women through their own nine months, Nealy advocates that women can have the lives of their dreams after bearing children.

Nealy is a lifelong student of discovering how to live her best life and is always seeking out the best of the best in spas, yoga teachers, fitness trends and health professionals to inform and improve the care she provides to her own family, friends and clients.

Along with Nealy’s passionate entrepreneurial endeavors, she lives in Hong Kong with her husband SETH and raises their four children Ben, Eitan, Ayla and Liam.


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