Busy moms sits with her three sons and daughter laughing on a couch.

Mother’s Day Refuel: Guiltless Self-Care for Busy Moms

As busy moms, our days are usually jam-packed with taking care of kids, managing our households, cooking, and cleaning. Oh yeah, and that’s on top of some of us working full-time jobs. When all is said and done, there isn’t much time left over for ourselves. As they say, you can’t pour from an empty cup. Then there’s the bad G-word when we carve out time for ourselves. Guilt. Guilt that we took time away from our families and guilt that we spent money exclusively on ourselves.

I often wonder where this even comes from. Fear of being judged? Seeming selfish? But, here’s the thing: Self-care shouldn’t be viewed as a luxury. Really, it’s a necessity that helps us emerge refreshed and rejuvenated. Below, I’m sharing the beauty routines worth carving out time for even as busy moms. But, before I share this list, watch this inspiring TedTalk by time management expert Laura Vanderkamp. She offers a few practical strategies to help find more time for what matters to us, so we can “build the lives we want in the time we’ve got.” 

Daily Care

Skin Cleansing and Moisturizing

If you want young-looking skin tomorrow then you’ve gotta start taking care of it today. Make sure to cleanse your skin daily. And, no, that doesn’t just mean you should run a Neutrogena wipe over your skin and call it a night. Cleanse, exfoliate, and, most importantly, hydrate with a good moisturizer. Remember, dry skin ages faster. So, moisturize in the morning and the night. Plus, regular face masks are another great way to hydrate thirsty skin. Check out my favorite products on my Amazon storefront here! 

Light Makeup

I’m not a big makeup kind of gal. Unless I’m getting glammed up for a television appearance, I rarely paint on a full face of makeup. With that said, keeping a natural look with a little foundation, blush, mascara, and lip gloss creates an instant confidence boost. Don’t just take my word for it – there are actual studies on the topic. Experts call it the “lipstick effect”. When we know we look good, our self-esteem skyrockets and we have a better attitude! Here’s some more good news: You don’t have to spend hours in front of the mirror to achieve flawless skin tone and gorgeous eyes! Watch as Beverly Hills makeup artist Judith Koppelmann shows off some of her secrets to hassle-free makeup in minutes!  

Weekly Care

Enjoy a Bath with Epsom Salts

Once a week, set aside 30 minutes to relax in a hot bath with some healing Epsom salts and a good book. Epsom salt promotes good blood circulation and helps alleviate muscle tension. It does wonders for your mind, body, and spirit which is crucial for busy moms! You can also get magnesium salts and even CBD salts. Add some essential oils and a candle for a real pamper session. 

Bi-Weekly Mani/Pedi

Whether it’s a trip to the salon or just some alone time in your bathroom, set aside an hour or two every other week to groom your nails. A fresh manicure and pedicure not only looks good, but they help us feel good! PS I wear gloves in the kitchen, always, to protect my nails. Try it. 

Monthly Care


Along with a daily skincare routine, monthly facials are a game-changer. Not only is it a chance to deep clean your skin and moisturize, but regular facials also help to improve circulation, boost collagen production, shrink pores, and even reduce acne scars!  


They are a great way to help lower stress levels, improve mood, ease muscle tension, relieve back pain, increase blood flow, and the list of benefits goes on. Plenty of massage places offer monthly membership packages for reasonable prices. But, for busy moms who can’t make it out to get a professional massage, check out my article on self massage!

Fresh Haircuts

I know this sounds strange, but if you’re trying to grow your then make sure to get regular trims. I like to call them the “no-haircut haircut”. You don’t need to take a lot off, but frequent, fresh trims will help to avoid split ends and damage.   

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