mini raw chocolate bars

Mini Raw Chocolate Bars

Make any sweetheart in your life melt with these homemade raw chocolate bars straight from the test kitchen of Priscilla Soligo, chocolate maker and founder of Raiz The Bar Chocolate. The best thing that’s happened to me since discovering Priscilla’s chocolate bars was this recipe. I kid you not, in 5 minutes and in just one bowl you can become a chocolate maker in your own home! I was delighted by the creaminess and crunch of this chocolate and with so many nourishing ingredients you really are doing both your body and heart good. Go ahead. Have a few. And double the recipe so you can stash some for later.


Mini Raw Chocolate Bars


  • 1 1/4 cups shaved cacao butter unmelted
  • 1/2 cup cacao powder
  • 1/3 cup powdered coconut palm sugar
  • 1 tablespoon cacao nibs
  • 1 tablespoon lucuma powder
  • 2 tablespoons ground cinnamon
  • 1/2 teaspoon ground nutmeg
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla extract
  • 1/4 teaspoon high mineral raw salt
  • pinch ground cayenne optional


Note: Chocolate and water do not mix. Ensure all utensils, blender and equipment are completely dry before you commence this recipe.

  1. Melt cacao butter bain marie style (place hot water in a bowl with a smaller bowl inside containing the cacao butter only. Do not let the water enter into the cacao butter bowl. Stir occasionally until liquified).
  2. In a high speed blender, blend all ingredients except buckwheat and cacao nibs until creamy and smooth. Chocolate doesn't like to be overheated or it will separate. Blend on high until well incorporated. Keep your hand on the blender to monitor temperature (chocolate should be warm to the touch, not hot).
  3. Prepare silicone chocolate moulds. Pour chocolate 1/4 of the way into each mould. Add a pinch of buckwheat and cacao nibs. Top with remaining chocolate.
  4. Allow to set up in the fridge (not freezer) for a couple hours, or until set.
  5. Pop them out of their moulds onto a chopping board and plate, or place into a glass, or parchment-lined BPA-free-plastic airtight container and into the fridge.
  6. Enjoy straight out of the fridge anytime you have a hankering for a decadent yet guilt-free treat!

Recipe Notes

Storage: These bites store well in an airtight sealed container in the fridge for up to a month or more.
Variations: Feel free to add your favourite dried fruits, nuts, or seeds. Experiment with various extracts and food grade essential oils such as peppermint, coffee, orange, or hazelnut to flavor your holiday chocolate. All things are possible with chocolate! Have fun playing!


Priscilla Soligo

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