Not only are there quality boxed mixes available today, a few simple upgrades can make them taste like homemade creations. Watch my youngest kiddos play around in the kitchen as they jazz up a box of gluten-free brownies. The few upgrades you see in this video are just the beginning! 

Flexible Brownies: So Easy A Kid Could Make Them

When it comes to whipping up breakfast pancakes, muffins, celebratory cakes, brownies, and other yummy baked goods, it’s always nice to go homemade.

But here’s the thing.

A lot of us are pressed for time and creating delicious baked goods from scratch isn’t always a priority. Some days call for a cheat.

Here’s the good news about cheats: There are clean and quality boxed mixes available today that deliver homemade-tasting yumminess in minutes. One stroll through your local food store aisles and you’ll see there’s a box for just about everything you crave — gluten-free cakes, muffins, bread, pancakes, waffles, pizza crust, and more.

But don’t just follow the directions on the back of the box. A few simple upgrades to these boxed treats will actually fool your diners into thinking that you slaved in the kitchen for hours. Speaking of, watch my youngest kiddos play around in the kitchen as they jazz up a box of gluten-free brownies!

Flexible Brownies

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