Festive Foodie: Tips To Survive The Holidays Without Packing On The Pounds

The holiday season doesn’t have to mean your diet and waistline are doomed forever. There are strategies to survive the holidays that will leave you feeling happy and satisfied – all without worrying about packing on those pesky pounds or dealing with dreaded belly bloat.

1. Workout First Thing In The Morning

Just because it’s a holiday doesn’t mean you should skip your workout! Before your party, unroll your yoga mat and do a few stretches. Or maybe even go for a run to get a little cardio in before you’re faced with so many delicious food choices. Not only will a workout rev your metabolism, it will also help you to become more mindful of your body and food choices.

2. Don’t Show Up To The Party Empty Handed

Attending a holiday gathering and don’t know what food will be served? If you’re gluten-free, dairy-free, vegan, or have another dietary preference then it’s always a good idea to bring a satisfying dish along with you. Make sure it’s something that everyone will enjoy and also fits your dietary needs.

3. Don’t Show Up To The Party Hungry

On a night out, don’t show up with an empty and grumbling belly unless you know where you are going and are sure about your food options. Eat some almonds or a small high-protein snack before you go out. This way you won’t be tempted to eat anything and everything in sight.

4. Make Your First Choice A Healthy One

Once you arrive at a holiday party, don’t go straight for the cheese and crackers (or apple pie). Instead, load up your plate with fresh veggies and lean proteins. Dig into a salad or veggie sticks. To goal is to fill your belly with the healthier choices so there isn’t much room left for the not-so-good-for-you food options.

5. Show Off Your Curves

This may sound weirdly materialistic, but wear the dress that shows off your bloated belly if you overeat. This is a trick that reminds me to fill up on foods that are going to compliment my waistline and not kill it.

6. Chill Out

Who says splurging needs to mean eating an entire piece of chocolate cake? Make up your own rules. I will often have a small portion of a delicious dark-chocolate-something to satisfy my craving. If you deprive yourself too much then you set yourself up for eventually giving in. There is a limit to your ability to resist temptation over time. Remember – there is always tomorrow to get back on track!


I put together an entire ebook filled with tips and tricks to help you survive the holiday season – whether you’re hosting or attending a festive bash!

In this book you’ll:

  • Discover savvy solutions to eat gluten-free over the holidays.
  • Get tips for hosting a healthy dinner party your diners will rave about.
  • Get gluten-free holiday recipes that taste just as good (if not better) than their original versions.
  • Unlock my secrets for surviving a holiday party when you’re a guest.

Get Your Copy Now

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