Veggie Makeover: 4 Creative Ways To Plate And Serve Salad

When it comes to whipping up craveable salads, I like to think there are 5 main ingredients for success: leafy greens, crunchy veggies, nutritious toppings (like nuts, seeds, or dried fruit), a filling protein, and a tantalizing dressing. But what if I told you there’s actually another key element beyond making it taste great? We eat with our eyes first and, if you ask me, food almost always tastes better when it looks good. Don’t you agree?

In this video, I team up with my oldest son and best salad eater, Ben, to share four creative ways you can bump up your salad serving game. Plus, I also dish up a powerful tip for all you fellow moms to get your kids to gobble up nutritious salads!

4 Creative Ways To Serve Salad

Want More Amazing Salad Recipes?

In my cookbook, FOOD YOU WANT For The Life You Crave, I share some of my jazziest salad recipes that feature the perfect combination of crunchy, creamy, salty, sweet, and everything in between. Order your copy today and get an extra bonus ebook filled with 8 exclusive recipes that you won’t find anywhere else! 

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