Chipotle Cheesy Pecans 6

Chipotle Cheesy Pecans: The Perfect Paleo Snack Idea

My good friend Amber, from Texas, is the queen of crispy nuts and all healthy treats that involve a dehydrator. I couldn’t resist sharing her Chipotle Cheesy Pecans with you because they are simply irresistible. One bite and you want to eat a whole handful. And really, you can, because they make the perfect paleo snack idea. They’re high in good-for-you fats, no sugar added and burst with flavor. These vegan delights will even fool you into thinking they have real cheese. I was actually surprised when my 3-year-old proclaimed them to be his favorite snack, but like I always say, the test of a winning recipe is if my kids will eat it. Thanks, Amber. And happy snacking y’all.

Chipotle Cheesy Pecans Recipe

Chipotle Cheesy Pecans


  • 3 cups pecans soaked
  • 1/3 cup tamari
  • 2 teaspoons garlic powder
  • 2 teapoons smoked paprika
  • 1 tablespoon chiptole chili crushed
  • 1/2 cup nutritional yeast
  • Juice from 2 limes


  1. Soak pecans for a few hours until soft.
  2. Mix remaining ingredients in a large bowl and add the soaked pecans.
  3. Dehydrate at 118 farenheight for 12-18 hours until dry and crisp.



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