10 Practical Ways To Boost Your Daily Steps

How much time each day do you spend sitting? Really think about that for a second. Many of us are faced with long commutes to work and demanding jobs that call for us to sit at a computer for hours on end. Then, during our off time, we plop down on the couch to scroll through social media, watch TV shows, and chit chat on the phone. 

Let’s face it: Many of us live a more sedentary lifestyle than we should. And, while hitting the gym for a regular yoga, barre, or HIIT class is ideal, if you’re in a pinch for time then the least you can do is squeeze in a walk! 

Walking fires up muscles, helps burn calories, increases metabolism, benefits heart health, reduces the risk of high blood pressure, and the list goes on. So, with a long list of pros, what are you waiting for? Lace up your sneakers and then follow these 10 practical ways you can easily boost your daily steps!

  1. When possible, schedule walking meetings instead of desk-side chats with colleagues. Not only will the extra steps help you to burn off some calories, but it will also increase your circulation. Good news: Circulation boosts energy and triggers new neuro-pathways in our brains, which sparks new ideas! 
  2. During the workday, set an alarm to go off every hour on the hour as a reminder to get up from your desk and walk around your office. Just like in #1, this will ultimately benefit your waistline and your productivity.  Win-win!
  3. Use walking to clear your mind and think when you’re stressed (vs going elbow’s deep into a bag of chips!)
  4. Ditch the elevator and take the stairs instead. I have a rule that if there is a stair option I take it. And try to never stand on escalators!
  5. Wear more comfortable shoes. Yes, this is a trick that actually works. Makes sense, right? When your feet hurt, the last thing you want to do is walk more. If I have a heels type of day, I always pack a pair of sneakers or flats so that I can walk home.
  6. Park farther away from your destination. Because every extra step counts.
  7. Before and after work, take your dog on longer walks (if you have one!) around the city or your neighborhood. You’ll both appreciate it!
  8. Pace during your next phone call with a friend. You should see me on conference calls, I never sit still. 
  9. Take a light stroll after dinner rather than sinking into the couch in front of your television.  
  10. Wear a fitness tracker and set reasonable goals for yourself. Once you get your fitness tracker, 10,000 steps are likely the number it’ll be preprogrammed to. That’s approximately five miles! Wouldn’t you be impressed with yourself if you walked five miles a day?

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